New Dems Celebrate Startups Across America
Our country’s entrepreneurial spirit and innovative minds are the lifeblood of the American economy. Startups are behind the technologies and services now a part of the daily lives of many Americans. And these companies no longer exist solely within Silicon Valley, so New Democrat Coalition Members across the nation are exploring and learning about the startups in their own districts.

Starting in 2013, New Dem Vice-Chair Rep. Jared Polis launched the bipartisan and bicameral effort called Startup Day Across America with the goal to provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to connect with their federal representatives and educate them on what is going on at home. This year, New Dem Vice-Chair Rep. Suzan DelBene and New Dem Rep. Don Beyer have joined in leading the effort to raise awareness of the entrepreneurial activity happening from coast to coast that helps boost our economy.

America’s startups are the driving force behind new job creation in the United States. In fact, companies less than one year old have created an average of 1.5 million jobs per year over the past three decades, fueling both local and national economic growth. New Democrats are serious about creating policies for the opportunities and challenges of the future. We have tapped into the knowledge and issue area expertise of our diverse membership by creating new policy-focused taskforces that will strategize policy solutions to ensure all Americans can succeed in the 21st century economy. Our Future of Work Task Force, co-chaired by Reps. Bill Foster, Rep. Jared Polis, and Congressman Seth Moulton, has already brought together experts on Capitol Hill for the first-ever series of forums investigating the future of our workforce in our changing 21st century economy.

New Dem Members have also been leading advocates in passing and implementing legislation like The Jumpstart Our Business Startup (JOBS) Actwhich makes it easier for startups to raise capital and eventually go public with their companies. Additionally, New Dem Rep. Don Beyer, Rep. Gerry Connolly, and Rep. Jared Polis introduced a bipartisan bill that would take key steps to support startups. The Startup Act would spur innovation and entrepreneurship by increasing access to credit and keeping the best and brightest graduates in the United States to create the companies and jobs of the future. And New Dem. Rep. Krysten Sinema (AZ-09)’s HALOS Act will reduce unnecessary regulatory barriers between startup businesses and potential investors during “demo days.” The American Prosperity Agenda:Winning the Future contains even more New Dem led and sponsored legislation that will help startup companies thrive.
We’re a country that thrives on providing the opportunity to expand on a great idea. #StartupDay provides a chance to celebrate those great ideas right in our own backyard. Follow along to see New Dems showcase how startups in every state are re-imagining the future and capitalizing on inventive ideas.
By: New Democrat Coalition
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